vrijdag 18 december 2009

Blog 8

Data robbery

Some employees steal money from their employer. There are also lot of robbery’s taking place on bankrupted internet companies. Where ex employees steal data and all kinds of material such as a laptop, a computer or stealing money from the desk… Another reason why data gets lost is because people forget their data or throw out their old computers with data’s in it.
The reason why employees steal from their employer Is because they don’t get enough wage. A representative from Dell says that management is important besides the new software. He gives the following metaphor: You can have a safe and strong door but if your windows open they steal anyway. So the management is important to stop the robbery’s besides the software’s for safety such as camera…
There are lot of footage of employees stealing from their employers. In Holland an employee stole 700000euro from his employer. McAfee did lot of research and says that companies lose up to 3.4 million euro from robbery’s of intellectual properties . Symantec says that more than the half of ex employees steaks data from their old employer.

My opinion:
Companies need better security and patents to stop the robbery of data. Or has to pay more to their employees. The representative of Dell gives a great metaphor. The security is fine but the wage is low, so the data get’s stolen anyway. So besides a safe door you need a closed window.
It’s important to know that a lot of security isn’t good for the relations in a company. You can give the feeling that you don’t trust your employees and that can give unwanted effects. So you have to find a balance in the security. Also when you give resignation to an employee you have the guide him through the process. To make sure that everything goes smooth.


Selim Karadag 2RP2

Blog 7

Outside Climate Talks, Protesters March on the Hall

The lobbyists for profitable Climate Solutions, called on other protestors to stop their “global whining”. They argued that corporations were working hard enough. During the conference 260 people were arrested. In total 1800 protesters are detained.
Another group called Climate Justice Action was marching to the Bella Center. They want better measures for climate changing. Their slogan was “System Change, Not Climate Change”.
The police stopped them from entering the building to hold a people’s assembly. Some people tried to reach their goal by using inflatable rafts. The rally brought together climate activists; representatives of countries suffering from drought, floods or other phenomena linked to global warming; and indigenous peoples.
Ms. Moller wrote environmental pages for her local newspaper, she travelled with a group called Camp for Climate Action. She said she had no confidence in the conference.

My opinion:
The global warming is a important matter. And it’s a good thing that countries are trying to do something about it. And conferences as in Copenhagen can bring important directives. But the problem is that this isn’t enough. People have to get more aware of this issue. That’s the only solution.
The protestors have good intention. But by protesting they only slow things. And shadow the conference. There are too many groups protesting. So the cops have to do something and stop them. Or things can go out of control. The protestors should choose few people among them as representatives and they should tell what’s on their mind. This way things won’t go out of control and two sides can tell their ideas on a decent way.


Selim Karadag 2RP2


Blog 3

Don’t underestimate fraud

In the year 2000 a TV presenter and real estate entrepreneur gets an amount of 800000euros from one of the main suspects.
Eight years ago the presenter of “business class” received 800000euros from one of the prime suspects of the fraud research. The Public Prosecutor thinks that Mens has send a fake invoice, he says that he hasn’t performed any utilities about the payment. He didn’t admit but he is involved with the building trade “Bouwfonds”. The other 2 suspects squealed on Mens and confessed that he extorted money from the ex-Chairman. The 2 suspects who were property developer, transferred the money to Mens under order of the prime suspect who’s the ex-director.
The Public Ministry investigated that there was a fraud with Construction fund and Philips Pension Fund. The broker from Lisse is convinced that Mens is involved. He claims that by referring to the construction Solaris. This is an office complex where the renovations were completed in 2002. This fraud has put the knife to the throat. The Justice will now investigate all the invoices for the previous ten years in the accused projects. They have found significant evidence showing that many people are involved. It is about criminal activities such as tax fraud, forgery, bribery and fraud.

My opinion:
A fraud of this proportion with such important companies involved is surprising. The real question is: doesn’t anybody control this? The fiscal law is strict and has high punishments. But there are still companies how try fraud. It is good that justice is know investigating the case. But it will be difficult to investigate the invoices of ten years. It looks like a difficult case with different matters such as bribery, fraud…
To prevent such things in the future new laws have to come or the existing laws have to controlled better. There are lot of options to prevent fraud such as better punishments, new laws, better controlling departments…


Selim Karadag 2rp2

Blog 2

Fresh Prince of Belgium

Dick Advocaat is a 61 years old Dutch football coach who is now working with the team Zenith St Peter Bridge. The Belgian League made an offer to him as coach of the National team which he accepted. It is about a contract of 600000 a year until december2011. Two years ago he was involved in a similar situation where he was linked with the National team of Australia. Finally the richest team of Russia, through Zenith supporter and ex president Vladimir Putin, made an immense offer which he accepted. He refused the offer of Australia and became champion with Zenit. They are now afraid about the decision of Dick Advocaat although he clearly mentioned during the morning training in Zenith. Because he will start next year, he really don’t want to disturb and cooperate with the current coach. Frank Vercauteren is now on the top and they gave 5 games to go. If he speaks now he will be in trouble with his current employers of Zenith. Because of the interests of Zenith he delayed his contract signing. He is intending to sign with all silence during the two weeks’ vacation. He is now performing very good in Zenith and they are just 3 points behind the leader of the competition. They have the spirit and ambition to become the champion of the competition.

My opinion:
It is important not to complicate situations with the contracts. Especially when the contracts in other country’s are involved. Dick Advocaat did the right thing by waiting, because there is already a football coach in Belgium’s national team. Frank Vercauteren has to be fired if they want Advocaat to lead the team. Or as in this case have to wait…
However they can draw a contract and let Advocaat sign this and they can mention on the contract a specific date. On that date Advocaat becomes than the football coach of Belgium’s national team. This way they will be certain that Advocaat doesn’t go to another team and if he does he has to deal with the consequences.


Selim Karadag 2RP2

Blog 1: The Escape

Escape from Alcatraz

The article that I read is going about a prisoner who escaped from prison during the break . Bijlmerbajes is a prison where it is not the first time that a prisoner tried to escape. The last gateway was a year ago. One of the two prisoner succeeded to escape from the prison. They made the plan one night before the escape. He obviously studied the architecture of the building. The place of the doors, the length of the walls and if it is possible to jump. The plan of the 35-years old man was successful, but the difficult part was to jump over the walls with barbed wine. During his remain in the prison, he stayed in the department where you wait for the completion of their case. A second person, who stayed at the same department, was caught and hold by the guardians just before he escaped. The escaped man had prepared it with some men outside the prison. The reason of his escape is the fact that he stayed for a while in another room because he went to appeal.

My opinion:
A prison is a place where people are suppose to held inside. A separation of the society is necessary, because this people are inside of a crime. But the jails are overcrowded and there aren’t enough guardians . And there are other problems such as that the guardians don’t get enough wage, the old infrastructure and equipments. The department of justice has to come up with a solution. The governments have to give larger budgets to justice department. So they can do something about this matters.
This is isn’t the first time that a prisoner escapes and wont be the last time. But the frequency of escaping prisoners is rising. And is no more a movie you watch it becomes an article you read in the newspaper or a news you watch on the TV. There are lot of solutions to this problem for example rehabilitation. Knowing that you will get a second time comforts a person. Than knowing that your stuck inside and your only chance is escaping.

Selim karadag2rp2

donderdag 10 december 2009

infringement of intellectual property

There is a long and ignoble tradition of technology companies suing each other for infringement of intellectual property rights. In reality, by the time the patent lawyers get to the bottom of who really invented what, the caravan has invariably moved on. If anyone should know this by now, it is Nokia, which fought to a standstill with US rival Qualcomm over who deserved more royalties for the research behind third-generation mobile phones. Instead, it has today launched an even more high-profile legal assault on Apple over the iPhone. On the face of it, Nokia looks to have a case. Both sides have failed to agree a licensing deal, but Apple continues to churn out iPhones by the millions. Though it does not wish to disrupt iPhone production, Nokia spends billions on R&D and needs to make sure it gets a fair return for its efforts. The sad fact though is that this is probably the only fight with Apple that Nokia looks like winning. The Finnish mobile company was once a beacon for hope in the European economy - a rare example of a local technology company taking on those cocky Americans and winning. These days, it is being shown up badly by Apple's superior flair for design and looks increasingly like a slow-moving relic than regional champion. It cannot be coincidence that this legal decision comes after Apple posted record results and Nokia recorded its first quarterly loss for a decade. It would look a lot less like sour grapes if Nokia showed more ability to take on Apple where it counts - in the showroom.

source: http://www.guardian.co.uk/global/dan-roberts-on-business-blog/2009/oct/22/nokia-sues-apple
