donderdag 10 december 2009

Age discrimination

For my fifth blog I have found an example of discriminatory dismissal. A council manager was sacked seven months before he reached his 50th birthday, meaning he had to wait until he was 65 to claim his pension. Had he been made redundant after his 50th birthday. Mr. Wooster could claim the pension almost immediately. Tower Hamlets had hoped to have a 15 year period of grace before they had to pay his pension with one manager boasting: "If he goes now, we do save the pension." But an employment tribunal found the council had unfairly dismissed Mr Wooster who had worked for Tower Hamlets for 33 years and discriminated against him because of age. Mr Wooster is claiming more than a million pounds in compensation for his employment losses, reduction in pension and injury to feelings. Speaking after today's ruling, Mr Wooster said: "I am absolutely delighted and thrilled. "It has been an extremely difficult time to have to go through not one but two legal battles, but I have come through to the other side and I can now relax at last." He added: "The Council thought it could just get rid of me because it didn't want to pay my pension. "



1 opmerking:

  1. Sadly enough discrimination still happens and not only in age but also in sex, race… But there is a good news! Companies realize that these groups can be worth money and publicity. Because some country’s give subsidies for taking these groups as employees. They say it enriches a company and can contribute to a company. For example a black employee in a black neighborhood is a better publicity than a white employee in a black neighborhood. So discrimination in future will have a whole new meaning… However there’s still a positive discrimination…
    Selim Karadag
