donderdag 10 december 2009

infringement of intellectual property

There is a long and ignoble tradition of technology companies suing each other for infringement of intellectual property rights. In reality, by the time the patent lawyers get to the bottom of who really invented what, the caravan has invariably moved on. If anyone should know this by now, it is Nokia, which fought to a standstill with US rival Qualcomm over who deserved more royalties for the research behind third-generation mobile phones. Instead, it has today launched an even more high-profile legal assault on Apple over the iPhone. On the face of it, Nokia looks to have a case. Both sides have failed to agree a licensing deal, but Apple continues to churn out iPhones by the millions. Though it does not wish to disrupt iPhone production, Nokia spends billions on R&D and needs to make sure it gets a fair return for its efforts. The sad fact though is that this is probably the only fight with Apple that Nokia looks like winning. The Finnish mobile company was once a beacon for hope in the European economy - a rare example of a local technology company taking on those cocky Americans and winning. These days, it is being shown up badly by Apple's superior flair for design and looks increasingly like a slow-moving relic than regional champion. It cannot be coincidence that this legal decision comes after Apple posted record results and Nokia recorded its first quarterly loss for a decade. It would look a lot less like sour grapes if Nokia showed more ability to take on Apple where it counts - in the showroom.



1 opmerking:

  1. I agree the law should ensure the safety of the intellectual property and they do so. Bud things have to go faster and the laws are famous for not being fast.And I think that nokia has to get some damages from Apple.
    Selim Karadag
