vrijdag 16 oktober 2009

Murderer gets 20 years!

The summer is a time where everyone is looking forward to, especially the students are in need of the vacation after the difficult final exams. During the year , summer plans are made, travels are reserved,… and at a glance they go on vacation.

This was pity enough not the case for the family Van de Ven. As every day the mother of Nadia went to the hospital. She works as a doctor in a nature medicine practice. She is a keen scientist and works 60 hours a week. One day they tell her daughter is dead and at a glance her live is destroyed. Nadia Van de Ven (25) was killed at 1 October 2002 in a student hostel in Utrecht by Pascal F., her landlord. The reason of her dead is very strange, namely because of a problem about the washing machine. The mother is suffering since the murder from a posttraumatic stress disorder. She gets panic attacks and can hardly work. (156) It is the first time in history of Holland that a claim for every material, immaterial made damages are allocated to the next of kin. Pascal is the only one who is liable for the harm. He has to compensate the incomes of the mother, which she is missed by inability to work. According to experts, she feels a very heavy intense pain that goes more than a normal experience of sorrow. Because of these affection damage he has to pay a compensation of 10000 euro. Previously the lawyer Martens had tried to put the parents of Pascal responsible for the acts of their son..The claim isn’t assigned. However the indemnification has to be calculated but Martens already confiscation the bank account of the parents.

I found it very terrible and wish her mother lot of strength. Such criminal practical’s has to punished strongly. Nowadays you see everywhere violence. On videogames, movies, … Few days ago I saw a video on the internet where a child was heavily crying because she can’t finish the stage of a game. The parent on the other side, was taking the video and enjoying irritating her own daughter. The worst of this is that she puts this on the internet . The Penal Court verdict was lifetime. However the defender went to the Appeal Court. The judgment of the Penal Court was here converted to 20 years. This is a premeditated murder because you don’t kill someone for a dispute of this proportion. I think there is something else behind it. And he must have considered this probably before. However proving this is the difficult part. If there were some argues before the murder. Than that would have been used as an evidence however the article doesn’t mention this. The penal court was also thinking this way. But the Court of appeal changed his verdict. The article doesn’t mention the reason of this. It might have been because of a procedure mistake. Art.394 Code Penal dictates that killing with premeditation is called murder. The penal for this is lifetime.

Selim Karadag 2rp2

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